Anytime, Anywhere,
No limit staff,
Flat rate,
Easy shift table creation.

Try Now for Free

Try all features for free for 30 days


December 23, 2024
Notice of winter vacation

Are you having these trouble
in shift management?

  • - I want to know the number of people in each time zone.
  • - I want to save the trouble of registering the collected requested shifts one by one.
  • - It is difficult to contact each staff member regarding business contact and shift recruitment.
  • - I want to avoid changing the usage fee depending on the number of staff.

Easy shift creation with just a mouse

Easy shift creation with just a mouse

Just drag the mouse like handwriting. You can easily register break times and work patterns, improving work efficiency.

Display quickly even if there are many staff

Fast display even with many staff

From June 2021, improved to display quickly even if there are many staff. You can create shifts without stress.

24 hours anywhere shift application

24 hours anywhere shift request

If you have a smartphone or computer, you will be able to apply for and check shifts anytime, anywhere.

Check the required number of people per hour

Check the required number of people per hour

Automatically totals the number of staff members for each hour. By setting the required number of people, you can check the excess or deficiency at a glance.

Aggregate working hours for each staff member

Aggregate working hours for each staff member

You can aggregate and display the working hours of each staff on all screens for creation and confirmation. It can be used to manage staff labor costs.

Mass communication with message feature

Mass communication with message feature

You can easily send messages to staff such as shift changes, sudden shift recruitment, business contact, etc.

Check shifts of other staff

Check shifts of other staff

Staff can always check the attendance status of other staff as well as themselves.

Create and manage by specifying the period

Create and manage by specifying the period

You can select the creation cycle from 1 month, 1 to 4 weeks, and 1 to 50 days. You can register requested shifts and fixed shifts in a batch operation during the specified period, so you can shorten the creation time.

List of attendance/holiday staff

List of attendance/holiday staff

You can display and check the staff in a list for each day. In addition, the staff at work can display and check for each hour.

In addition, there are plenty of features that support shift creation and management. We also offer free upgrades with new features.

Product details

Omakase Shift is a tool that supports smooth shift management 24 hours a day on the Internet. Anyone, including administrators and staff, can easily use the service at a flat rate without restrictions on the number of people.

Easy operation with mouse

Easy and smooth shift creation with one mouse

from anywhere with your smartphone

Easy-to-see shift confirmation and request from anywhere on your smartphone

free email support

Free email support when you have a problem

Try all features for free for 30 days

Because it is a flat fee without a limit on the number of people, It is widely accepted From small restaurants, retailers to all industries companies. Please experience its performance firsthand.